Saturday, July 6, 2013

promises kept

6th of july.  a day of promises kept.

first thing this morning, i headed out to a cycle class taught by my friend, maria.  i've been wanting to go forever, and we've tried several times, but this time it happened.  and it rocked.  thank you maria for a fantastic class, and for inspiring me on the crest of my cycle teaching journey.


next up was a pedicure with harper.  she's been asking for several weeks now, and so today we ventured out for our 3rd annual birthday month pedi.  despite looking bored, she really did enjoy the soaking, the foot scrub, and the paint color choices- one foot blue and one foot green.  she enjoyed it so much so that she napped close to 2 hours between the ride home and the couch.


final promise was our first bonfire s'mores session in our backyard fire pit. since we initially promised on the fourth of july, harper has been asking and asking and asking.  so in between bursts of rain today, we hauled out our bucket filled with chocolate, graham crackers and mallows and roasted up a few.  the fire wasn't the best because the wood was wet, but it fulfilled the promise.  happy girls we had.  and happy sugary bellies.  until the rain sent us running back inside.  happy.

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