Sunday, July 7, 2013

not one for the records

a quick post tonight, cause it's late and i'm tuckered.

i didn't exercise today.  i didn't make a green smoothie.  but i am blogging.  and i did enjoy my kiddos, some shopping at the mall, a fantastic french toast breakfast made by my husband, and a pizza and s'mores dinner date with friends.

today, some things that made me happy...

- watching harper dance around in the mall in her new pink hunter boots.  she was listening to the piano tunes, and had not a care in the world.  her confidence and sparkability are awesome.

-watching crosby explore the fine china section in the mall, and make sneaky eyes at me when she knows she's not supposed to be doing something.

-laughing and enjoying the company of friends from our old street who have moved as well, and seeing our kids pick up right where they left off.  pizza on the deck and bonfire s'mores (for the second night in a row!)...yum.

goodnight all.

1 comment:

Kimmy said...

You're doing a great job!!! Inspiring me to get back into my blog too!!