Saturday, August 3, 2013


i borrowed this from the studio where i now instruct.  isn't that crazy?!  i set goals for myself this year, and i am doing pretty well on accomplishing them.  this one makes me pretty proud, and i am truly loving being in the instructor seat.
Emily inst
Certifications – Mad Dogg Spinning, CPR, Speech Language Pathologist / M.A. CCC-SLP
Emily has always incorporated some type of fitness into her life, including spinning here and there, but before Studio, she never had a consistent fitness plan. “I joined Studio one month after they opened, and from the first class, I was hooked. I knew I had found a place I could stick with for the long haul. The people, the Keiser bikes and the studio were what kept me coming back. Within 2 months, I knew I wanted to get certified to teach; I loved it that much.” Getting certified was on Emily’s 2013 bucket list. In June 2013, she completed the requirements for certification. She began teaching at Studio in July. As a full-time Speech-Language Pathologist, Emily motivates her clients to communicate, and has now found a new way to do so. “I have been so inspired by every teacher at Studio Now I am loving being in front of the class, motivating others to push just a bit further and encouraging the concept of training for life in each class I teach.” Emily hopes to provide a positive health model for her two young daughters, to encourage fitness as a way to improve self-esteem, reduce stress and increase overall happiness and enjoyment in life. “I share with my girls the idea that I don’t exercise because I have to, I exercise because I want to; it makes me a better mom. It’s a win-win situation; what can be better than that?” In addition to cycling at Studio  Emily participates regularly in power yoga and local outdoor running races as a way to balance out her fitness regimen.

Emily on Studio:
In this studio you’ll find a place without judgment; a place with encouragement and motivation. You’ll find people who are happy and energetic and enjoying life. It’s an amazing community of instructors and clients both and I am so thrilled to be a part of it.

1 comment:

Kellie said...

Yay!!! You look gorgeous:)