Sunday, October 12, 2014


the past several weekends this fall have been nothing short of perfection.  autumn is my absolute favorite time of year.  it's my birthday season.  the weather cools off.  you can almost smell the freshly sharpened #2s walking past the neighborhood elementary school.  and then there are the symbols of fall- leaves, pumpkins, halloween, corn mazes.  i took the girls to a corn maze several years ago, crosby was just an infant actually, with a friend and her kids.  this year, we ventured as a family on a sunday afternoon, finding this place through a groupon purchase.  it took close to an hour, and we had so.  much.  fun.

we kind of though we got lost at several points, which made it even better.  cell phones couldn't be used and we had a map, which honestly, was way confusing.  daddy thought it would be funny to mark places we had been by leaving some corn piles in the middle of the path.  crosby thought it was hilarious to follow behind and destroy them.

the girls loved to break off corn kernels and scatter them on the ground, to mark our way and also for the animals to eat.  what animals, i'm not quite certain.  but we weren't staying late enough to find out.

at some point right smack dab in the middle of the corn field, farthest away from the exit, crosby had to go potty.  she's been potty trained since july, so she didn't have a "back up" to just go in.  next best thing in nature is to take a nature.  even in a public corn field.  thankfully, no one saw us.  she made it quick.

we had lots of laughs, a few silly scares from harper hiding in the tall corn and popping out as we walked by, "unaware" that she was there, and a perfect sunday afternoon.

(daddy stood behind me and threw corn kernels to get the girls to laugh.)

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