Sunday, January 26, 2014

the harper & crosby project - december 2013

and we're done.  the year ended, and the 2013 instagram project finished right with it.  for the large majority, i absolutely enjoyed this daily project of the girls.  there were days when i was too tired to post a picture, or i just plumb forgot and had to cheat with another day's picture.  but i love love love having these memories of our year to reflect back on.  there were so many memories that had slipped my mind, words and funny sayings they said i would have never recalled, milestones i am still so proud of.  i am in the process of putting these into a shutterfly book to print out for the girls' valentines day gift, so i will share it on here when it's finished.  for now, enjoy the last installment of the harper & crosby project 365.

and fear not, i got into such a habit that i couldn't just stop when the clock struck midnight on 2014.  so i started the 2014 petrous project- just one photo a day of some aspect of our family, all together or individual, big accomplishments or little memories.  i'll post it month by month here on the blog, too.

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