Thursday, October 17, 2013

one. two. 34.

yesterday was my birthday.  i am 34.  34 years young.

i think i'm pretty much where i wanted to be at 34.

here. with these people. happy and full of love.

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another blogger mama gave me a great little saying that she says to her children, and i've adopted it.  i have my girls repeat it to me frequently, whenever i remember and whenever we need a little motivation.

i am smart.
i am beautiful.
i am strong.
so strong.
i am loved.

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that's my mantra for this year. love and happy, strong and smart and beautiful. inside. 

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i have many blessings. and how thankful i am for each of them. here's to an amazing year. 

1 comment:

Kellie said...

You are all those things! Happy 34.