one thing i will never change being gluttonous for, however, is my girls, and that's why i post lots of pictures. and here is the wee one at 8 months...
pulling herself up to standing and being very adventurous...
always smiling...
and cracking us up with her new head tilt. when she's trying to get your attention, or just trying to play with you, she takes a side view.
these two are starting to interact much more, and i can't get enough.
oh, and then she went ahead and turned 9 months.
she's standing and cruising, and braving it by holding on to something with only one hand. she's waving and signing
milk. she's eating, but prefers small bits of finger foods to being fed with a spoon. she's saying
dada and
mama and
nana and
yaya and
lala. she's a regular chatty cathy.
she is always happy. she is always smiling. she is pure enchantment and deliciousness.
she is a horrible night sleeper, and is often waking us up 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 times a night. thank goodness she's always happy, cause when she smiles at you at 2 in the morning when you go get her from her crib, you can't help but smile back. she's got our number and she knows it.
ok, off to check the cupboard and make sure there is nothing else that could satisfy my gluten-ous cravings before the challenge begins in less than 3 hours. here's to good health, good changes, and an exceptional 2012.
hope your new year was a happy one.